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A bouquet of red and yellow flowers.

Charleston, SC Florists and Flower Delivery

We source the finest flowers from all over the world. Renowned for their exceptional quality, our unique arrangements elevate every space with their enchanting fragrance and vibrant hues that only the best flowers can offer.

Shop Floral Arrangements
An Italian Murano glass vase with yellow flowers and branches surrounding the bottom.

Shop Luxury Home Décor

Our carefully curated collection of home décor items features unique, handmade items from around the world.  Immerse your space in sophistication with Murano glasses from Italy, each piece a masterpiece of craftsmanship and tradition. Our collection of unique and culturally rich items from around the world add elegance and distinction to your home.

Shop Objects

Floral Services and Events

With 15 years of experience in Corporate and Private Events settings throughout NYC and now present in all Charleston SC, our designs are crafted to leave a lasting impression on both you and your guests. Whether it is wedding flowers that beautifully capture the essence of your love or corporate event décor designed to impress, our expertise guarantees a professional and elegant touch for every occasion.

A man holding a bouquet of flowers in front of a chalkboard.

Takaya Sato

Takaya Sato’s love for floral design began over twenty years ago while training as a designer at his father’s flowers and events shop in Japan.

Takaya has been designing for international New York City-based companies most elite events. He has been Creative Director at L’Atelier Rouge a floral & event design company in New York City, as well as at Buunch NYC-Hampton and T.I.C a Restaurant group Co. where he designed interior flowers arrangements. Concurrently, he is Master florist at Flower School NYC.

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A black and white text quote about buying yourself flowers by Luther Burbank.